Hôtel Thalazur Saint-Jean-de-Luz

Crédits : Maxime Terracol. Translation: Jill Harry. Pictures: Bruno Preschesmisky

Ocean therapy

Seawater cures, recharges the organism, releases stress, improves sleep… all of which we have known for years.

Cleopatra plastered herself with sea mud from the Dead Sea. Since Antiquity, Thalassotherapy has been dispensed, praised, cherished, even if the term only appeared in 1865 thanks to Joseph La Bonnardière, a young doctor from Isère. A contraction of the Greek words Thalassa, “sea”, and Therapeia, “therapy”, Thalassotherapy developed in France in the 19th and 20th centuries. The first centre dedicated to sea therapies to open its doors was in Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais), in 1800. In those days, it attracted people suffering from rheumatism and depression. Based on the positive results of hydrotherapy, other establishments opened in Cherbourg, Biarritz, Sète. The seawater, heated and in movement, has performed miracles… or almost. But since then, science has explained this therapeutic phenomenon which does not depend on magic!

With its 27 grams of sodium chloride per litre and numerous mineral salts, seawater is very similar to blood plasma. Hence, all treatments based on sea sediments, seaweed, provide the organism with the ideal amounts of vitamins and oligo-elements. This is enhanced when the seawater is heated to body temperature. What’s more, sea air is loaded with fine particles of iodine and negative ions, both excellent for health. Calcium ions strengthen bones while potassium ions feed muscles. In short, Thalasso ensures improved body and mind health… totally naturally. 

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